Monday, June 29, 2009

My first Blog

The first thing that comes to my mind is this famous quote:” Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift; that’s why it’s called the present.”
It holds a true meaning of life! You can’t change the past, and I am sure, most of us wish they can go back and do or undo certain events that occurred; including me!
I used to think of these moments as MISTAKES!
But now, I see them as experiences to move me forward or to help me learn from it.
Now I can look back and say:’’Wow,….time flew by so fast”.
I wonder and think about whether I should be much further in life. There are times I get frustrated and become hard on myself. But the truth is, you have to change perspective and look back to see how far you made it in life. This view helped me to realize I have accomplished a lot!
I was born and raised in Switzerland with an Italian father and a Swiss mother. I grew up in a strict environment. Me and my sister were disciplined a lot and this didn’t help us to structure and develop a healthy self-image.
I learned very quickly to become self sufficient and “unspoiled”.”You earn a living first and then you can buy things in life you want”,……my father used to say.
So, I played the “good girl” and did what I have been told! I went to college, and then I attended an additional educational school to become a teacher.
After I had my master’s degree I started to teach as a substitute in several local schools.
I knew in my heart, it was not my calling to live here in my home town and teach for the rest of my life! Even though, teaching children was a great experience in life for me and it influenced me to go further to the next step. I had dreams of going out to see other parts of the world; especially the USA.I wanted to make a difference to others.
I was tired of living in the cold, and I couldn’t wait to experience an exotic place with Sandy beaches, Palm trees, Pelicans and beautiful sunsets. I love to just wear shorts or a nice summer dress.
And here I am, in the beautiful sunshine state called Florida! I have lived here for 20 years and I never regretted it once!
I am looking back and realize that some of the events that have occurred in my past have changed me to who I became today! I always was inspired from some of the greatest leaders and entrepreneurs. I love to work for myself, have the freedom to plan your own schedule, structure your own days and be your own boss.
This type of lifestyle comes with a lot of challenges though! There is always “trial and error” or better said: “If you don’t fail, you don’t succeed.” I had a few different careers in the past 2 decades and I learned first handed the lessons of failing. But each time, I experienced that there are reasons why certain things don’t go the way we expect! I learned that I had to move on, cut the losses and find truly what’s in my heart! Of course, I wanted everything to happen overnight, I wanted it yesterday!!
Most of us never take the time to really figure out what they want out of life. We do things for the wrong reasons,….like get a job we hate,…..become somebody someone else wants us to be, or get in a relationship that’s not right for us.
These are the lessons we are supposed to learn from. Believe me, I learned the hard way.
Ask me about finding your true self and who you really want to be and who are you right now?
These are the things I have been working on for the last decade. It takes time to discover your true self and you cannot do it alone. That’s why I believe we encounter certain people in our lives to influence us.
I am on a great journey to live my greatest life ever with the goal to live it to my fullest potential.
I have been in the real estate business for the last 10 years and it has brought me a great deal of knowledge and it has been and it still is a wonderful experience for me to meet people and help others with their needs and fulfill their dreams to own one of the greatest investments on earth. I am honored and grateful to have met so many wonderful people that influenced my life even in challenging times.
I have experienced the versatility of this business first hand. I will never forget my first builder I worked for. She was a great mentor and taught me everything there is to know about new home construction.
From that point on, my business grew more every day and I got to know also what it was like to be the owner of your own brokerage firm. I was a part of all the different aspects of this business. I have been working in residential and commercial new construction and resale, property management, land acquisitions and now: Short sales and bank owned properties. The beauty of this is that there is always something new and different in this market. New challenges become opportunities.
During the “boom” I became an investor myself. That was a big accomplishment for me.
Even though, I had to take a loss, like so many others, when the economy “crashed”; I am glad that I took that risk. It gave me the experience to help others in the same situation.
The “down turn “in today’s market actually helped me to slow down and reflect on my life. I realized how far I have made it in life and I asked myself: “What else can I do? What other skills and talents can I discover or bring back to life??You know, they always say:”Go back to your childhood dreams and desires,”! I used to paint and draw and I loved to act in plays and movies!
Therefore, I started getting involved in acting, modeling, writing, painting and drawing again!
I am enjoying using the opportunity to be creative. Every day becomes special to me, because you never know what it will look like: Remember: “Today is a gift; that’s why it’s called the present”! LIVE FOR TODAY!!